In drone traffic regulation, national rules will soon be replaced by a common and standardised EU regulation. Read how Copteruni is already ahead of the curve!
ProctorExam has been paired by Coelrind with XAMS – one of the UK’s largest e-assessment platforms - to provide online proctoring to Laser Learning Awards.
France Université Numérique and ProctorExam sign a partnership agreement to deploy the Dutch online exams remote monitoring solution to the Mooc broadcasting platform, which has 1.8 million learners.
With the fast growth and usage of ProctorExam in France the famous french tech and science magazine Sciences et Avenir publishes an article about how ProctorExam is making life easier and enables students from the University La Sorbonne in #Paris to take their exams even if they cannot travel to campus.
biz:Develop, publisher of biz:Examiner, and ProctorExam partnered up to provide a solid solution for online proctoring with a focus on German-speaking markets.
International Testing & Training Services (ITTS) and ProctorExam are partnering up to offer greater flexibility to test providers and academic institutions.
Connecting ProctorExam with your institution's LMS, whether it is Moodle, Canvas, OpenedX or any other standardised LMS platform is now just few clicks away!